Sunday, July 15, 2007

Healing service

Had a healing service on Saturday, which was yesterday. Fun, and nice. Really learnt and gained alot from this service, an eye-opener for me also, since I never went for the Benny Hinn service. Guest was Dr. Richard Roberts from Oral Roberts University, a gifted evangelist.

At first was persuading Cerenna to come, since it was a healing service. Well, no choice, God planned it all. I knew it, just like the past, I invited her on sunday, but she says she wants to go for donno what training. I'm not trying to condemn her here, but I just can't find the reason why people just wants to find excuses to push God's appointment with them. Well, maybe, her heart's not opened up yet. It will go by slowly, but I believe by faith, all these will come to past. She will come to know God more at the end, by faith.

Had bible study with Elaine after service, even though she hasn't recovered from her sore throat. Really thank God she's still able to give me bible study, and also thank Elaine for giving even though her condition. And I just donno why, I just couldn't step out by faith to end the study with a prayer...hmmm...will try...

Just finishing watching the cg ministries powerpoint. Haha, funny though...especially the friendliest part, Kenneth, and Gary collecting cg fund. Haha. Now, really gotta buck up in my studies, so that I have the ability to advise people to study. Can you imagine me having bad grades still want to advise people to study? I mean, I didn't set a good really gotta buck up.

Today fellowshipping on the train was so fun, had jokes, riddles, most funny one is the 'ambition is fan' story by Wei Xiong, and the Kenneth, only Wei Xiong, Shifu, Kenneth and me knows only. Haha.

Signing off...penguin...