Monday, June 05, 2006

Chinese over

Well...Chinese 'O' levels is over, but I still need to cop with six more subjects: English (my weakness), Maths (still can cope), Science (gotta buck up), Combine Humanities (really tryin) and Geography (tryin too)...Really afraid of my english...or should I say all of them...

Now I'm having holidays...but we still need to go back to school, well it's for our own good isn't it? It's seems like I have missed two lessons of sciences, cause I'm sick!! Man...Why must I get sick at these times? I really need to buck up on my sciences...

说真的, 中四真的很难熬, 但只要有恒心, 我相信我们一定可以及格的...加油!!! KAMPATEI NE!!!!