This is a picture I got from wikipedia, this is actually about the centre core of the black hole from the whirlpool galaxy in the universe, 31 million light years away and this pic is actually taken by the hubble telescope. Look at this, right now, all I know that my Lord and Saviour Jesus is real! I'M JUST SO IMPACTED BY THIS VIDEO!!!!!!
After the screening, we were moving all the equipments back to hall again for the session missions night, I forgot about one of the sessions...STM... Anyway, the game 'Left Behind', it's just amazing, the games team really did a great job about this. *Clap Clap* Wei Siong and I went to off the lights to stir the atmosphere up. It was seriously very good. The end of the video actually shows about rapture coming, which happens during the second coming of Christ, all who are righteous in the Lord shall all be sent directly up to heaven to meet with the Lord, leaving a group of people here on Earth who will go through trials and tribulations from the anti-christ before going up to heaven. It shows that a preacher is in the church preaching to the whole congregation, then suddenly, thunder strike and the bible the preacher is holding just dropped onto the floor with a loud bang, and 98% of the people in the church were gone, leaving only about less than 18 people looking shocked, and despair, at the end it show a guy covering his face with both his hands and kneeling on the ground. The video then show the 10 commandments of this game, then it shows this sentence "Prepare for Hell", "Mentors take over now"...When groups of 5 began to went out of the seminar room, we can hear screamings from the outside. When it was our turn, Rachel, Hui Tong, Jarrett, Wei Siong and me were in a group. Ok, it got me in one room, where it shows that we left our friends and families back down here on Earth to suffer, and it was already too late to bring them up to heaven, and their hearts were all filled with hatred towards us. This actually makes me feel even more burden for my family and my friends, even more wanting to bring them to Christ, because I really don't want to see them being tortured, especially my beloved family... Anyway, the golden rule of the game, 'Keep silent at all times'...
We then all gathered back at the seminar room, to share and stuff, Pastor then started sharing the power of the cross, we then started praying, people started to manifest, we all lingered in the presence of God for very long, started at around 11 plus, we didn't even know that it was already 1 plus am in the morning, wow, time really passes very fast when we are in the presence of God. Wei Siong saw the light of God, and I felt a touch on my shoulder from God, it's just like a pat on the back of encouragement, felt so good.. All of us then proceed to bathe and stuff, the group of us, Gary, Kenny, Wen Shun, Jarrett, Wei Siong and me slept quite late...
Day 2: Wei Siong and I woke up at 7...ahh, we thought we were going to be late, but who knows, when we went to the toilet to brush our teeth and do some wash-up, we saw Jermain in the toilet...seems like he just woke up...haha, can't blame him also, he has more things to do compared to us...well, thank God we were still able to set up everything right on time for the morning PT. Whew! We then went to have our breakfast before proceeding up to seminar room for morning devotion. Well, I know this is very ironic, we were supposed to do our own prayer, but Wei Siong and I fell asleep...but ironically, I can still hear the music playing while sleeping...Wei Siong says this is the peace of God, God wants us to take some rest...ahh, I don't know...hahaha...
After that, the whole camp were then split into to 3 teams, men, women and mentors, initially I'm not sure whether am I supposed to be in the mentors team, but then Sheng Hong needs people to be at the men's room, so Wei Siong and I just went there...I just felt so tired...kept dozing off...ahhhhh... Dev was preaching about manhood, and I actually learnt something from there..wonder what Pastor shared with the mentors...hmm...
We then went down to have our lunch, some incident happened down here, there were not enough food, but from here, I really see the spirit of excellence and see how the leaders really react quickly to situations like this. Brother Kee Liang actually went out, took $150 and went to the nearest hawker centre to buy food for the whole camp, and the leaders actually were the last to eat, some didn't eat at all, and the some mentors actually sacrificed to let the team eat first before they eat, which mades me feel a little guilty, because I went down to eat...haha...
Ahh, I forgot what happened after lunch...STM...We then had our 1st evangelistic meeting in the camp for the secondary school students, we had a drama done by our leaders and some staffs. Mayce even got injured for the drama...big sacrifice!
Well, anyway, we watched the video of the 'How Great Is Our God" tour part 2 during the evangelistic meeting for the tertiary students. This is even more impacting. In the milky way galaxy, there were so many stars that were actually few million, billion, thrillion and quadrillion times bigger than the size of Earth. After he shared about the stars, he then shared about a protein in our body. Pastor Tan had also shared this before, just that I forgot the name of it... The name of the protein is called laminin. It actually holds our whole body together. This is the picture of laminin.

Can you believe it? This protein in our body is actually in a shape of the cross of Jesus! And this actually holds our whole body together! Read this verse from Colossians 1:16-17(NIV). "For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together." I'm totally so impacted after watching this 2 videos. I'm just so speechless. God is just so awesome. After the meeting, sound crew stayed behind to do the keeping of the equipments, then Wei Siong went down first, and I stayed behind for the briefing for mentors with Pastor CK, had fun too. I then went down to have my dinner. Pineapple rice from the buffet!! Lol! It was nice, yummy! I then start to fellowship with my members, we even played a lot of games. We played animal kingdom at the canteen, we then went to play basketball with 2 other person that we don't know. After that, we went to bathe. Xiu Wen then opened a door for us to like fellowship inside. Xiu Wen is also sacrificing a lot, she did not sleep just to finish reading the book for her SOT, she can't even sing properly due to lack of sleep, and she even had gastric...Dear Lord, I just pray the You will give her strength to carry on to do her assignments, I also pray for healing upon her so that her gastric will be healed. Amen.
Slept at 4 plus in the morning. Really getting tired...
Day 3: Was actually supposed to wake up at 650am, but all of us were just so tired, we actually woke up at 740am in the morning, totally missed the morning PT. May called some of us, but we didn't heard our phone ringing...*yawn*
After washing up, Wei Siong and I immediately went to seminar room to help out. A while later, Jermain came up with packets of food in his hands. He brought food up for us! Thanks a lot! Even though it's just a packet of bee hoon, it's filling enough for our stomach. Started to set up everything and morning devotion starts. Pastor was sharing with us something, but the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak, I just keep dozing off...arrgh...then, at one point of time, I saw many people walking up, I was wondering what are they going up for, I saw Leslie up there, Chun Li and Sherrill up there also, so I roughly guessed that all the mentors are going up, so I just went up there also. When I went up then I realise, Pastor wanted to lay hands on all of us. When it was my turn, all Pastor did was put his hands on my shoulders, and I just started trembling non-stop. When I fall, I'm still trembling. The power of God is indeed great. (actually while typing this, my hands are trembling again...don't know why...haha) When I stood up, Pastor challenged us to take a step of faith to go and pray for rest of the people in the room, believing that we also have the power to make other people fall under the power of God. Well, I went to prayed for Wei Siong, I just prayed for him by faith... And then I went to the other side and I went to catch Rachel, then I walk around to see whether is there other people that needs help or have not been prayed for, well seems like all are done...After that, we were told to get back to our rooms to do the final cleaning up. We then went to take our bags to put into a classroom before going back to seminar room for the final meeting. My cg even took pictures, but Kenny wasn't there...what a waste...

The whole camp then went to hall to take pictures, and the different houses also took pictures. Wei Siong, Gary, Jarrett, Leslie and I stayed back to help Sheng Hong and Jermain to help shift things to the van. Went back with the cg at around 3 plus. Anyway, thank God for His reminder of my pail still left in PHS, if not, my grandmother sure scold me...haha...
Anyway, the leaders really did a good job in planning this whole camp and making it so successful! *CLAP CLAP CLAP* And I'm glad that I learnt a lot of things in this camp, get to know more people and talk to them in this camp, people like Sheng Hong, Jermain, Dev, Guo Dong, Leslie...last but not least, my Father God!! For the encounters with Him and touched by Him. Heehee, Sheng Hong is a guitar pro, one more person for guitar consulting...haha..
Just now when I woke up, I was actually wondering why Pastor placed his hands on my shoulder, then I realised I sort of got injured while shifting the speakers and stuffs, and my shoulders were actually aching and hurting if I move too much, after thinking this, I tried to move my hands, no pain and aches anymore!!!! Praise the Lord!!
Well, it's really getting early now, I really need to sleep...*yawn~*
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