Friday, August 03, 2007 paragraph.

Today, my school came a General who's in the armed forces, and he's going to be the Chief of Navy with effect at the end of this month. He's was once a schoolmate of my principal now, that's why we have the priviledge of inviting him to come. His talks, I'm sad to say, is boring. Although all these military stuffs do make me feel excited, but his voice is just too monotone, and I just kept dozing, halfway woke up and I don't even know what was he talking... *yawn......*

Ok, new paragraph...

Read Psalm 65, if you want to, or you can just read what I typed. The paragraph goes like this:

Some people are like that with God. They run from Him in fear. They don't know that He loves them and richly provides them with everything for their enjoyment. Henry Scougal, a 17th-century Scottish minister, wrote, "Nothing is more powerful to engage our affection than to find that we are loved by One who is altogether lovely.... How must this astonish and delight us; how must it overcome our fear and melt our hearts." God's love is the perfect love that "casts out fear"(1 John 4:18).

Today, during my recess, I suddenly had a thought of something, somethign about doing things for God. Someone seems to tell me that, 'Doing things for God, we shouldn't always have a mindset thinking, Oh God, I have limited resources, I have limited strength, I think that this the most and the best I can do for You Lord. Instead, we should be thinking like this. Oh God, this is too little for me! What can I do for You more?' We should always feel happy and glad that we can do things and serve the Almighty God. Makes sense doesn't it?

Later I'm going to share a testimony, even though it doesn't sounds serious or big, but I believe that it's a good testimony to share as God, once again has answered my prayers again!! Yeah! Hallelujah!