W116: Elaine, Shifu, Kenneth, Victoria, Quang Yi, May, Ben and me.
W143: Xiu Wen, Wei Siong, Hui Tong, Ng, Chong and Qi Hui.
E448: Serene, Sherrill, Ah Li, Chun Ping, Joel and Peifen.
Shamus and Yong Jing came for the steamboat.
Sorry if I missed out anyone. :P
Ng, Hui Tong and Wei Siong organised the games. All of us had lots of fun. We then went to Chong Pang to eat steamboat, which I joked that Chong owned the shop, due to the word "Chong"...
A pic of the signboard.
Around 8:15 the fireworks started, and I was in the toilet! -_-
I also took a pic of the fireworks, and some videos.
The one that worked so hard among our table and Wei Siong's table is......May! Why? 'Cos she's peeling the prawn shells and standing for don't know how long... And you want to know what is a difference? Let me teach you the meaning of the word today.
This is the food of Elaine's table, where all the experienced cooks are.
This is the food of my table, where almost all seldom cook... :P
A pic of Quang Yi, Chong and Shella.
Upon finishing, Yong Jing, Shamus, Wei Siong, Chong and me went fo DotA. The com there is so lousy with it's connection, keeps on disconnecting...
We leave at 10, and all of us took MRT home. Haha, had some fun traumatizing Shamus...our own popular game...suitable for all ages! Hahaha!
Let me share with you something today. Read Isaiah 50:4.
It says, "The Lord God has given me the tongue of the learned, that I shoulde know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary." May we be ready with a timely word or a caring question to point others towards our Saviour who offers life and peace to all.
Lord, let me be a shining light in all I say and do, that Your great love displayed in me, may lead someone to You. Amen.
PS: I was typing this on friday afternoon, and was supposed to post it, but my father came back and I had to shut down the com...
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