Heehee...I'm squeezing 2 days into a post again...haha
Fri: Met up with Abby for lunch, since I'll be around Raffles area, so in the end we met up at Chinatown. She wanted to bring me to look for a fishball noodle stall that sells nice food, but she forgotten which was the one...haha. My specs got loose at the screw part, and the lens came out, but thank God, my degrees wasn't that deep, so I can still see normally without my specs, only the words are blur, and faraway things are blur. Haha. Walked back to her office with her, and along the way got to know on the same afternoon she accompanied 3 person including me...O.O very busy busy busy...haha. After she planned to drop by and look for me, end up she went to the wrong shop...-.- LOL
Anyway, waited for my mum while playing my psp, went to eat dinner with her, chatted with her alot...haha, then we went back home.
Sat: Today was a long day...Slept at around 3 plus in the morning, woke up at 810, got down to NTU to prepare for cg, and my fingers like usual, seems like the skin are peeling off on my 3 fingers...haha, I'm used to it. Today Huiling took everything. *Clap Clap* Good job!! Haha. Then went back to church area with the cg, then I went down straight down to B2 after buying drinks for Jason and myself. Served as internal today, was a good exposure, as I never done internal during big days before...haha, furthermore today's overflow was like...wow...
Had fun stacking chairs with the people, and we just went to slack around at cafe, and I created a lot of stupid stuffs...haha. Went to NTI to eat with the people, and Bo Zong has kind of join Ren Shen and me for crapping, and we have company!!! LOL... Got to know a fellow SP student who's in the same building as me in Group 12...haha. Well, it's fun playing with them all, very fun. Shall stop here...haha, tomorrow I'm not going anywhere, finally! A rest! LOL...
About Me

- Peng Ru
- Hmmm, play computer games(that's for sure), play hand-held games(that's also for sure), play piano, sing(although not as well as the rest),soccer, basketball(although this 2 sports I'm not very good at it), likes to know new frens, but shy in the first place. W143. SP DIT Yr 1.
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Saturday, January 24, 2009
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UM-Group 16

!!Linking Out!!
- Abigail(Abby)
- Agnes
- Benjamin Aw
- Benjamin Chan aka Oliver Chan
- Chun Li
- CK Zone
- Clara
- Dayana
- Dev
- Diana
- Elaine
- Gavin
- Genevieve
- Huiling(Banana)
- Ivory
- James
- Jasmine Loo
- Jason Chong
- Jason Jiang
- Jason Ng
- Jian Kun
- Jie Yun
- Joel Ee
- Joshua Ong
- Joshua Tham
- Kathryn Diane(Kat)
- KennY'eo(Kenny's)
- Mabelngiangology
- Meiqi
- Nicholas
- Patrick
- Pei Fen
- Rachel(Rachelle/Zhou Tai)
- Serene Pok(Pok Pok)
- Shella(lala)
- Shi Ting(KST)
- Sijia(Alanna)
- Siyuan
- Stanley
- Torrance
- UM-Group 16
- Victoria(Vic)
- Vivian
- W143
- Wei Kiat
- Wei Liang
- Wen Shun(Jasper)
- XinYi
- Xiu Wen(my cgl!! =D)
- Yong Hui
- Yong Jing
- Yosephina
- Zacson
I'm praying for...
- Pray and read bible more!!
- To rise up in cg/usher!!
- Good GPA score this sememster. 3.2!
- Have advance guitar lessons!!
- To learn singing!!
- Maybe get attached? LOL
- Learn piano/keyboard!!
- To learn drums!!
- A new laptop...
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