Well, met up with Gerald before we actually head down to Clarke Quay, then we met up Boon Xiong there at Central, Joshua Tham then came up to look for us, we then went down to the MRT station to look for Sijia, then Yong Hui came, then Eileen came. Haha.
Ok, so we were sort of quite early, then Boon Xiong went to bring Brian and ...(i forgot the name...:P), I think they are not sure of the place...haha, even I myself didn't really know the exact location of it. Well, I must say, all of us were like mad, and possibly the most noisiest group on that day. Haha. Especially during the game 'taboo'. Once Chung Kiat shout, all of our voice were covered, and I didn't know John can shout so loud too...LOL...next time is my turn...Haha. Well, back to the topic, everyone was shouting like mad...until we broke up into smaller groups, we then start to quieten down abit...haha. The spy game was fun!! I want to play again!! Greg was the most unlucky one on the game I guess...but it turns out to be a blessing in disguise! He wasn't eliminated at all!! LOL.
Well, all of us went back very late though...haha. All the best Brian!!
Anyway, I always complained that I don't really take much pictures and post it, cos I don't take initiative to take pictures, and Abby says my blog's too bored with words...haha, I just like to write essay...so, she took a pic and asked me to post...haha. Plus I took 3 pics from the usher thanksgiving...Haha.

Guess this is the only sister in usher that I can get very well...haha, and I mean very well...mad kind...haha.
My all round buddy/friend/whatever...haha. Ren Shen!!!
LOL...What are we pointing at??

Cheers! UM-Group 16!!
LOL...Finally I've got 4 pics in my post since...hmm, I forgot when's the last time I actually post a picture...haha...
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