About Me

- Peng Ru
- Hmmm, play computer games(that's for sure), play hand-held games(that's also for sure), play piano, sing(although not as well as the rest),soccer, basketball(although this 2 sports I'm not very good at it), likes to know new frens, but shy in the first place. W143. SP DIT Yr 1.
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Thursday, January 29, 2009
Morning was having breathing difficulty, afternoon onwards I just start to have fever...
Right now...not totally recovered yet, although my fever is gone...guess my body immune system is not online yet...so now I'm still rather weak to small sicknesses like flu...
I'm not those that would fall sick easily...but, guess it's been too long, that's why I would suffer even more...arrgh...
Plus I've got 3 assignments at hand...2 on 2nd Feb, 1 on 6th Feb...and I don't know how to do...who can help me??? AHHHHHHHHH.....
Going to powerhouse to pray later......
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Fri: Met up with Abby for lunch, since I'll be around Raffles area, so in the end we met up at Chinatown. She wanted to bring me to look for a fishball noodle stall that sells nice food, but she forgotten which was the one...haha. My specs got loose at the screw part, and the lens came out, but thank God, my degrees wasn't that deep, so I can still see normally without my specs, only the words are blur, and faraway things are blur. Haha. Walked back to her office with her, and along the way got to know on the same afternoon she accompanied 3 person including me...O.O very busy busy busy...haha. After she planned to drop by and look for me, end up she went to the wrong shop...-.- LOL
Anyway, waited for my mum while playing my psp, went to eat dinner with her, chatted with her alot...haha, then we went back home.
Sat: Today was a long day...Slept at around 3 plus in the morning, woke up at 810, got down to NTU to prepare for cg, and my fingers like usual, seems like the skin are peeling off on my 3 fingers...haha, I'm used to it. Today Huiling took everything. *Clap Clap* Good job!! Haha. Then went back to church area with the cg, then I went down straight down to B2 after buying drinks for Jason and myself. Served as internal today, was a good exposure, as I never done internal during big days before...haha, furthermore today's overflow was like...wow...
Had fun stacking chairs with the people, and we just went to slack around at cafe, and I created a lot of stupid stuffs...haha. Went to NTI to eat with the people, and Bo Zong has kind of join Ren Shen and me for crapping, and we have company!!! LOL... Got to know a fellow SP student who's in the same building as me in Group 12...haha. Well, it's fun playing with them all, very fun. Shall stop here...haha, tomorrow I'm not going anywhere, finally! A rest! LOL...
Thursday, January 22, 2009
CNY is coming soon!!
Anyway, just want to blog about Wednesday and today's events.
Wed -- Hmm, had extra lessons till 4 pm, so I chose to go straight to RW for bs rather than going home, as I know I'll slack around in my house for quite some time before I actually leave. Haha. Well, I can't find people to accompany me, Gerald in school, Abby going home to eat, Joshua Tham on the way back home from town, Jia Jun still in school, so...the only One which I know who will always be there for me no matter what.
My Daddy God!!!!
Well, indeed it's a good time fellowshipping with Him, and it's been a long time since I went to powerhouse to pray, and like Xiu Wen used to tell us, 'Powerhouse is not called Powerhouse for nothing..', that's why, I believed, whatever the prayers I prayed down there, plus all my own quiet time and stuffs, my prayers will come to past very very soon!!!!
Then I went to have my dinner alone, and..................................................
I scalded my tongue...Great...
Finished FT II, wonder what's the next lesson installed for me??
Thurs -- Woke up with a very very blank mind this morning...Went to school, had a two hours lecture before school ends, and I slept through everything...and I got up with even more blanks...sigh...
Went for Poh's session, and Poh is just great!!!! Q&A session was funny...haha
Had a good chat with Jia Jun on the bus also, spiritually. Haha. He's indeed a great brother!
Having cg on Saturday before service...got to rush!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Spring Cleaning...
Because of the dust...Arrgh...
I'm very sensitive to dust, so whenever I breathe in a little, I'll just keep sneezing non-stop, and my nose will turn very red...
Well, but at least, the bottom of my bed is clean!! Haha...
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Firstly, got to thank Jasmine for this opportunity...haha, because she's working in Gatsby, so the company organise this dance competition, so we can go in for 'free' through her as guests...haha.
Met up with Joshua Tham at Admiralty, we then took the red line all the way down to Orchard...we then met Yosephina there, then waited for Abby to come, then saw Sijia, we then walk to Far East to eat KFC...Xin Yi came, followed by Gerald, then Jian Xing...
Took bus to Zouk, Greg was in the bus...alighted at the stop, walk towards the destination...saw Jasmine, did some signing up thing, got our goodie bags, got a sticker, when it's 9 pm, we just went in.
The security was at the door checking bags, checking whether the guests were bringing any food or water bottle in, well, the brothers stuffed all their goodie bags with me, and the security was kind of sick and tired to search my bag because it was quite stuffy, so he just asked me is there any water bottle in my bag, while trying to feel for a bottle at the bottom of my bag, and I just replied him, 'Umbrella', and I passed..haha... Another part, was the checking of IC...the guy was looking at my IC, then he looked up to me, then he looked at my IC again to confirm then he look up again then he let me in...so funny...haha, anyway, I'm officially legal to go in though...haha
Went in, we all shared together a total of 3 jugs of Vodka...and some of us just ordered individual drinks, and I ordered tiger...LOL
The winners from the competition were actually from O School!!! Floor technique crew!! And...the bar crew I think, dismantled the stage in less than 20 mins...OMG...We then went down to like dance around...haha..
After that, we went to eat roti prata, before going back home. Took cab with Jian Xing and this usher...I know how to pronounce, but I don't know her name is which spelling...so...haha...reached home around 2:50...slept at 4...
Woke up at 8 plus to 9, because I got to meet Ben Chan in church early...
In the end, met him up at Phoenix LRT instead...LOL
Went to church, fellowship around, went for service...Finally!! I can sit with the cg!! It's been like...hmmm, about 7 weeks after Asia Conference I've been serving? Haha...finally today can have some rest...haha...
Today was good! Pastor Tan was great!! Increase in our prayer life. We then move up to riviera to give Elaine a surprise, celebrate her birthday. Haha. Had fun around.
Initially I thought I can't go for Pst CK's discipleship thing, but because my mum had some stuffs cropped up at home, so in the end I can make it! PTL! The whole thing was great! We then went to JP Starbucks to meet up with the rest, I stayed with them for awhile until my mum reaches...haha.
Went to do some shopping with her...and finally I can go out with my mum again after like for sometime since I was busy for the past few weeks...haha
Anyway...where can I vent my frustrations on??!! I can't take it anymore!! Grr...LOL
(abit problem with the spacings...I don't know why...irritating...)
Saturday, January 17, 2009
I feel good!
Hmm...let's start with mon...
Mon: Well...not very good...haha, but at least I managed to fought away the negative thoughts...haha...and I changed my msn nick from negative to positive...and I tried to maintain a positive mindset...and it works!! Haha..
Tues: Initially thought it was going to be a normal day, until I went shopping with Joshua and Gerald, haha, great time fellowshipping.
Wed: Hmm...bs was great!! The resurrection of the dead. Gerald came with me also. Haha. At night read the bible, felt there's a verse God wants to speak to me to...and I meditated on that verse...haha
Thurs: Woke Abby up... After school, Brother Poh!!!!!!! Woo, man, he's great! Really learnt alot from him, all the skills and techniques that should be taken note of, although it's not a lot, but he also said, things sometimes are not taught, but caught!! Wow! Really had fun!! If I never remember wrongly, I think there's still another session next week. Haha..
Fri: Woke Abby up...again...haha... then went school for only two hours...because there's only a 2 hour lesson...haha, then went back home, along the way home, God spoke to me through a song...then took afternoon nap, then went out to practice song with Gary and Xiu Wen for cgm. Haha. Sudden change to praise, and Gary led praise! Good job! Haha...finally got a chance to work with him again. Xiu Wen announced who will be in which cg, because our cg is going to multiply!!! My index, middle and ring finger tips are now blue black I guess..haha..
Well, think that's the summary of it. Tomorrow will be attending the Zouk thingy...haha...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Went from Bugis to Raffles Place to Heerens. Then went back home.
And something a little funny happened...I missed the stop CCK while I was asleep...
Thank God the next stop was Bukit Gombak...haha. I didn't realise it initially, until I saw...
'Bukit Batok Driving Centre'
Monday, January 12, 2009
What do you think?
Do I speak too much? In turns that I've become a nuisance to other people?
I just wonder...is my way of approaching people too over? I just want to be friendly...but...
When times I'm quiet, people thought that I'd problems, wish that I would speak a little more, but when times I'm too chatty, people wished I'd speak a little lesser...
I just talk a little more when I'm excited...
What's wrong with me...Arrgh...
Well. Today, was kind of ok. Abby woke up earlier than me...LOL...Gerald told us that he's meeting us...which initially I thought he was going straight down from his member's chalet...and as usual, he didn't sleep at all...
Did South today, in charge of S2, Abby was IC... S2 initially instructions was to not let anyone in...but somehow the people got in...sigh...
Rev. John Bevere was great! Honor. I'll really meditate on that...
Today like suddenly pop out a lot of briefing... ended the whole thing about 6 plus... Went to play basketball with the planned people, which initially was thought to be cancelled, due to the time...Haha, well, did have fun during then...After that, all of us just like zombies...haha.
Mum bought a packet of salted fish fried rice, which I actually bought one for myself, and I didn't know she was buying, and neither did she know that I bought...haha...
Well, ok, I need to sleep now...
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Brother Poh was great!!
Well, Brother Poh was funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really had lots of laughter with his jokes and his experiences, be it playing guitar, learning guitar, first experiences with God and etc.
The 2 points: 1) Spirituality VS Skills
2) Relationships with cg guitarists/song leaders/cgls
He also say that he had lots of stuffs to share with us, but due to time constraints, he had to cut down a lot of it. Pst CK invited him to come for another session nxt Thursday!! So excited!! Haha.
Well, I can't wait for tomorrow's basketball fellowship with a few usher mates!! Haha, I'm sure it'll be fun!!
Thursday, January 08, 2009
A short post
Lately I just feel so...sigh...I don't know why...
I just hate schooling...I hate to study, but I prefer working...I don't know why...
Many of you out there probably will be saying, you have not reached the working society, that's why you would want to work...
Well, half of it is correct, maybe the only think I'll ever like is the holidays, making friends, that's it... I don't like to study, I can't seem to get it right, but I just don't know why, while working I can do better...I seriously don't know why!! AHHH...
Things have not really been going the right way for me ever since I stepped onto this earth...well, sometimes it does, but most of it...it just went the opposite way...seems like I'm so lost or whatever...
Hmm...alot of things in my mind, I want to speak it out...but I just can't...arrgh...God...Help me...
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
All e best Brian!!
Ok, so we were sort of quite early, then Boon Xiong went to bring Brian and ...(i forgot the name...:P), I think they are not sure of the place...haha, even I myself didn't really know the exact location of it. Well, I must say, all of us were like mad, and possibly the most noisiest group on that day. Haha. Especially during the game 'taboo'. Once Chung Kiat shout, all of our voice were covered, and I didn't know John can shout so loud too...LOL...next time is my turn...Haha. Well, back to the topic, everyone was shouting like mad...until we broke up into smaller groups, we then start to quieten down abit...haha. The spy game was fun!! I want to play again!! Greg was the most unlucky one on the game I guess...but it turns out to be a blessing in disguise! He wasn't eliminated at all!! LOL.
Well, all of us went back very late though...haha. All the best Brian!!
Anyway, I always complained that I don't really take much pictures and post it, cos I don't take initiative to take pictures, and Abby says my blog's too bored with words...haha, I just like to write essay...so, she took a pic and asked me to post...haha. Plus I took 3 pics from the usher thanksgiving...Haha.

My all round buddy/friend/whatever...haha. Ren Shen!!!
LOL...What are we pointing at??

Cheers! UM-Group 16!!
LOL...Finally I've got 4 pics in my post since...hmm, I forgot when's the last time I actually post a picture...haha...
Monday, January 05, 2009
Another thanksgiving!
We went down, and we fellowshipped a little before eating. After that, we played some games, haha, my game partner was Boon Xiong! LOL. Haha, at least I know him better now.
After that we just went up to a function room for our award giving ceremony...LOL...After that, we just went up back to help clean up the stuffs there before leaving. Haha.
Anyway, Abby scared me yesterday during the time where all of us were writing the appreciation cards for leaders prepared by Hui Ping. Abby was just behind me reading while I was writing hers, and I just felt like someone was behind me, and when I turned around, she was just behind me, and I just shouted suddenly...LOL...Ren Shen was shocked by me also...Haha...'Thanks' Ah Abby...LOL
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Helpout at Sijia's House.
Went to meet up with Abby to go to Sijia's house to prepare the food for tomorrow's thanksgiving for usher. Haha. Met her up at the bus-stop opposite Khatib, then we took bus to Tampines Int. We then went up to Popular to buy paper for certs. Sijia then came to look for us, we then walk all the way to her house. LOL.
After we settled down for awhile, we went to Sheng Siong to buy the things needed for tomorrow. Haha, and that's when a brother is needed...Me!! -.-!!! Okok...just being thick-skinned...haha. Well, help them to carry the stuffs, then we went to buy food to eat at Sijia's house. Hmm, let's recall the memorable things.
- Sijia's dinner was free due to her wearing quite pretty.
- Sijia dropped an egg while attempting to put the egg into the pot to boil it.
- Sijia's reaction to the 'saman' auntie was funny. "Auntie! I'm back! Don't saman me please..." (think it's right...haha.)
- We smashed eggs, cut onions, *capsicums*, luncheon meat together...LOL
- Abby and I went to check out where a suddenly popped out train was going, and to our surprise, it was heading Boon Lay!! O.O
In the end, really thanks to CK(Chung Kiat), that we can go back home. Haha, thank you! Really appreciate you for sending us back home, one in the west, one in the north...Haha!
Anyway, got to sleep soon, after I bathe first. Haha. Hope I didn't missed out anything...Haha.. :P
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Happy New Year!! 2009!!
Well, I must say it's was a fun and awesome time!
31st December, I had to go to school...stupid...anyway, went back home to actually prepare my stuffs, slack around awhile, before I actually left my house at around 445pm. Met up with Ben Chan when I reached Dhoby Ghaut, then met up with Joshua Tham, Abby, Gerald and the rest, which are Jie Yun, Yosephina, Genevieve(I hope i spelt it correct...), Ren Shen, and Ben Aw. We went into this...hmm, should I call that a tunnel? Well, we just settled down there to have some fun. First we played games, then we had a time of sharing testimonies, then we just eat and just chill around, and just waited for the time to past.
After awhile, 2009!!! Some of them sent those who are under 18 home, and the rest went to a place to slack, Abby went back home first, so left Gerald, Joshua and me. Well, they are both very shack also...Haha. We took train home in the end.
1st January, went back home in the morning, slack awhile before I went out to meet up with Xiu Wen for thanksgiving. Everything went out well in the end. Thank God! And, I received a prize, which was the courageous award...I was like stunned...Haha...I mean, I didn't know I would get such a prize..Haha...then went to give the present that we are supposed to buy for each other. I bought a guitar tuner for Agnes, and Kathryn bought some guitar picks and a box of Ferrero Rocher. I realised this thing when I'm eating the chocolate. During the cg Angel and Mortal game, I was Kathryn's Angel, Agnes was my angel, now everything was reversed!! Haha..
Well, after everything ended, went out with some of the cg members to town again...well, just to add on to what happened after the countdown, Gerald, Joshua and I, including the rest before they went back home, we actually walked from Dhoby Ghaut to FCP, then to Clarke Quay, then to City Hall, then back to Clarke Quay, then to Chinatown, and now I have to come back to Dhoby Ghaut again...sad...LOL
To sum up, I've not slept for 37 hours...LOL
UM-Group 16

!!Linking Out!!
- Abigail(Abby)
- Agnes
- Benjamin Aw
- Benjamin Chan aka Oliver Chan
- Chun Li
- CK Zone
- Clara
- Dayana
- Dev
- Diana
- Elaine
- Gavin
- Genevieve
- Huiling(Banana)
- Ivory
- James
- Jasmine Loo
- Jason Chong
- Jason Jiang
- Jason Ng
- Jian Kun
- Jie Yun
- Joel Ee
- Joshua Ong
- Joshua Tham
- Kathryn Diane(Kat)
- KennY'eo(Kenny's)
- Mabelngiangology
- Meiqi
- Nicholas
- Patrick
- Pei Fen
- Rachel(Rachelle/Zhou Tai)
- Serene Pok(Pok Pok)
- Shella(lala)
- Shi Ting(KST)
- Sijia(Alanna)
- Siyuan
- Stanley
- Torrance
- UM-Group 16
- Victoria(Vic)
- Vivian
- W143
- Wei Kiat
- Wei Liang
- Wen Shun(Jasper)
- XinYi
- Xiu Wen(my cgl!! =D)
- Yong Hui
- Yong Jing
- Yosephina
- Zacson
I'm praying for...
- Pray and read bible more!!
- To rise up in cg/usher!!
- Good GPA score this sememster. 3.2!
- Have advance guitar lessons!!
- To learn singing!!
- Maybe get attached? LOL
- Learn piano/keyboard!!
- To learn drums!!
- A new laptop...