Well, May tagged me yesterday, asked me to do this quiz...since I have nothing to blog about, might as well do this...lol.
Rules & Regulations of this quiz:
a) people who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any questions that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
b) tag 9 people to do this quiz & thos who are tagged cannot refuse.These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people
1)If your lover betrayed you, what would be your reaction?
answer: Hmm...just break up with that person peacefully, no point making a big fuss out of it...
2)If you had 3 wishes, what will that be?
answer: (1) To be able to serve in God's Kingdom forever and be a faithful servant! :D
(2) To get my family to know God and get them saved.
(3) Improve in my music abilities...
3)To be a singer or an actor/actress?
answer: I don't mind being actor, just that I don't like memorising tai-ci, cos I have STM...singer...hmm, just improve in my singing techniques bah...haha
4)Are you afraid of what lies ahead of you?
answer: Well, I'm actually a little like 'happy-go-lucky type...but, still will be afraid and wonder at times, whatever it is, Everything is gonna be alright!
5)Would you change yourself for the person you love?
answer: I would only change for the better, if I were told to change to accomodate that person, I would only change for those that benefits the both of us, other than that I think is unnecessary.
6)Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
answer: Of course is to love someone. Haha, seeing them having a smile on the face makes my day.
7)How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
answer: I don't mind waiting, if that person is really the one I can spent my life with...
8)If the person you secretly liked is already attached, what would you do?
answer: of course wish her all the best...I don't want to be the third person in another couple's relationship...
9)Is there anything that made you unhappy these days?
answer: Erm...don't really remember, and don't want to remember, unhappy things I rather choose to forget than remember...
10)Do you get butterflies in your stomach whenever you're around the guy/girl you like?
answer: Of course I do! But it seems like I'm not really that good in hiding, sometimes it's just too obvious even though I try to hide...
11)Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head?
answer: Hmm...yes.
12)Who are currently the MOST important people to you?
answer: Of course is my family, my Daddy God, and W143. :)
13)Do you like studying?
answer: NO WAY! But...bo bian...still must do it... sigh...
14)Are you happy with your life?
answer: Quite. With God I'm already happy. (but without study would be the best...lol, I'm just joking. :P)
15)Would you give all in a relationship?
answer: Well...I'm quite a goondoo in these things, what's give all?? Well, I think I pick yes bah...
16)If you fall in love with 2 persons simultaneously, who would you pick?the lousiest one?OR the better one?
answer: erm...if I fall in love with 2 persons simultaneously, means I'm fickle-minded...I'd rather not choose one...
17)fill in the blank.__________ makes people in relationship difficult to handle but it also makes it beautiful.
answer: Blurness... :P
18)Do you often wish there was something you could change?
answer: Of course...but...what's over is over, and I know that whatever had happened happens for a reason, so might as well accept it.
19)What do you notice when you first meet a guy/girl?
answer: erm...the answer is kind of practical though...the looks...
20)DO YOU LIKE THE OWNER OF http://www.just-the-b3ginning--maymay.blogspot.com/?answer: ZZZ...erm...yes? lol.
My question:21)If you win the lottery of 4 million dollars, what are the 3 ways that you will spent the money?
answer: (1)Give tithe
(2)Take out 1/4, keep the rest in bank.
(3)Spent that 1/4, at the same time bless people around me.
THE FINAL 9 THAT i HANDPICKED TO TAG.(order is random. Lol.)
2)Jason Jiang
3)Serene Pok
6)Jason Ng
7)Jason Chong
8)Yong Jing
9)Wei Liang
About Me

- Peng Ru
- Hmmm, play computer games(that's for sure), play hand-held games(that's also for sure), play piano, sing(although not as well as the rest),soccer, basketball(although this 2 sports I'm not very good at it), likes to know new frens, but shy in the first place. W143. SP DIT Yr 1.
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UM-Group 16

!!Linking Out!!
- Abigail(Abby)
- Agnes
- Benjamin Aw
- Benjamin Chan aka Oliver Chan
- Chun Li
- CK Zone
- Clara
- Dayana
- Dev
- Diana
- Elaine
- Gavin
- Genevieve
- Huiling(Banana)
- Ivory
- James
- Jasmine Loo
- Jason Chong
- Jason Jiang
- Jason Ng
- Jian Kun
- Jie Yun
- Joel Ee
- Joshua Ong
- Joshua Tham
- Kathryn Diane(Kat)
- KennY'eo(Kenny's)
- Mabelngiangology
- Meiqi
- Nicholas
- Patrick
- Pei Fen
- Rachel(Rachelle/Zhou Tai)
- Serene Pok(Pok Pok)
- Shella(lala)
- Shi Ting(KST)
- Sijia(Alanna)
- Siyuan
- Stanley
- Torrance
- UM-Group 16
- Victoria(Vic)
- Vivian
- W143
- Wei Kiat
- Wei Liang
- Wen Shun(Jasper)
- XinYi
- Xiu Wen(my cgl!! =D)
- Yong Hui
- Yong Jing
- Yosephina
- Zacson
I'm praying for...
- Pray and read bible more!!
- To rise up in cg/usher!!
- Good GPA score this sememster. 3.2!
- Have advance guitar lessons!!
- To learn singing!!
- Maybe get attached? LOL
- Learn piano/keyboard!!
- To learn drums!!
- A new laptop...
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