I don't really know what to blog, so I might just as well blog about this person.
This person, is none other then, Benjamin Chan. :)
I just really wanna thank God for this wonderful bro, we are like very very very very very the close now. Haha. Nothing we can't share about, we even start talking about each other's family, and we would always encourage each other. Although we sometimes may suddenly quarrel during soccer, but we would get it over very quickly.
Just really wanna thank God that He placed us into the same secondary school and the class during sec 2. God really has it all planned. We both actually know our own characters and each other characters through our own frequent sharing, and now we can really see the changes that God has done in our own respective lives, although there's still one thing we really need to improve.
Our temper problem.
I realise both of us actually live in a family who is constantly giving pressure unto our lives, which in turns really make us very hot-tempered, and also the friends we actually have in the school... Of course we will try our very best to really kick away this problem, and really become a person who has a lot of patience. I believe one day we will be able to become this kind of person. :)
I'm able to share things with him is not because he was the one that brought me back, but it's the kind of bond you actually had when in secondary school, when playing soccer, when going out, all kinds of stuffs that will do when in secondary school. It's because we knew each other too well, that's why we are able to talk openly to each other.
No matter what just really wanna thank God for this wonderful wonderful brother, a brother in Christ, a teammate in soccer, a soul-mate that I can share my worries about, really thank you for everything. :)
John 15:13--Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.
About Me

- Peng Ru
- Hmmm, play computer games(that's for sure), play hand-held games(that's also for sure), play piano, sing(although not as well as the rest),soccer, basketball(although this 2 sports I'm not very good at it), likes to know new frens, but shy in the first place. W143. SP DIT Yr 1.
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Tuesday, December 04, 2007
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UM-Group 16

!!Linking Out!!
- Abigail(Abby)
- Agnes
- Benjamin Aw
- Benjamin Chan aka Oliver Chan
- Chun Li
- CK Zone
- Clara
- Dayana
- Dev
- Diana
- Elaine
- Gavin
- Genevieve
- Huiling(Banana)
- Ivory
- James
- Jasmine Loo
- Jason Chong
- Jason Jiang
- Jason Ng
- Jian Kun
- Jie Yun
- Joel Ee
- Joshua Ong
- Joshua Tham
- Kathryn Diane(Kat)
- KennY'eo(Kenny's)
- Mabelngiangology
- Meiqi
- Nicholas
- Patrick
- Pei Fen
- Rachel(Rachelle/Zhou Tai)
- Serene Pok(Pok Pok)
- Shella(lala)
- Shi Ting(KST)
- Sijia(Alanna)
- Siyuan
- Stanley
- Torrance
- UM-Group 16
- Victoria(Vic)
- Vivian
- W143
- Wei Kiat
- Wei Liang
- Wen Shun(Jasper)
- XinYi
- Xiu Wen(my cgl!! =D)
- Yong Hui
- Yong Jing
- Yosephina
- Zacson
I'm praying for...
- Pray and read bible more!!
- To rise up in cg/usher!!
- Good GPA score this sememster. 3.2!
- Have advance guitar lessons!!
- To learn singing!!
- Maybe get attached? LOL
- Learn piano/keyboard!!
- To learn drums!!
- A new laptop...
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