On Saturday, W116 and E448 went to the Singapore Autism School to help them paint and colour up the school, it was so much fun! Haha! Now, just view the pics below, as a picture speaks a thousand words...

Heehee, Vic, Ruth, Joel and me painting the bricked wall white...white-washers...
Kenneth painting 'ninja tortoise'...lol
Sherrill and Chun Ping painting the space...
Xiu Wen, Alan, 'Shi Fu', Chan, Serene and her friend...Elaine taking pic
Alan the artist editing the dolphin...lol
No offence, but does this look like prehistoric oysters and clams? haha
After that, we immediately went to eat at KFC and rush to Singapore Expo for the service. Most of them are wearing T-shirt and shorts to Expo, but of course they went to change. That day's Sermon on the Mount was about mercy, about God's mercy towards us. How he has forgiven of all our sins, three words: forgive and forget. That's how God forgive our sins. This Sermon on the Mount was really useful, it helps us to know how much we know about God, how much are we a believer, furthermore, what Jesus preached a few thousand years ago can be used in our lives now. I like the new song for the Emerge Conference sang on Saturday!
Yesterday, Cerenna and I met up to see Angelo off. This was the gift the whole class compiled.
This was a big photo frame which consists of the whole class photo taken at various times!
But, he was leaving, and guess what did Angelo did, he brought us gifts?!
Man, he brought us Ferrero Rocher!! Man, this box I think at least cost about 10 over dollars! Somemore, it was 2 boxes!! After we spent sometime talking and after that I prayed for Angelo, but my prayer seems to startled and stucked almost everytime. Nevermind.
Then we went to Mac and ate lunch. I told him not to buy for us, and he still bought it. Oh man, gotta return him the money somehow. I tried to contact classmates from 3C and 4C, in the end, only Chuen Wee came, so thanks for coming dude! We spent some time remembering the old times, soon after, Angelo had to go. We accompanied him to the taxi stand. He still wouldn't accept the money, so I thought of a way to give him the money. When it was his turn to board the taxi, I helped him open the door, I bid farewell to him, and I stuffed the money to him and quickly closed the door, so that he would not return me. Cerenna was crying when he was leaving. But, we have no choice, we have to experience parting in our lives. At least Angelo still can keep in contact with us through MSN, haha.
Then, Chuen Wee and I went to Lan, then we called BP and Raymond to play also. We then play 2-2. BP and I teamed first, he used Rhasta and I used Dragon Knight. Wow, our combination was good! Haha. He ensnared the target, I then quickly stun the target when the ensnare goes off, then I keep on attacking, if possible, I used my ulti, which was the elder dragon form, the frost dragon, which can slow target movement speed. We won that round of course, Ray was using tiny and CW used beastmaster. Then we re-shuffle the player, CW and I, Ray and BP. CW used Zeus, I used Riki. BP used butcher and ray used juggernaut. CW and I won. HAHA. I backstab anad deal alot of damage, den CW thunder them, or CW use ulti on them, I gave them surprise attack. HAHA, had lots of fun there.
Ok gotta go, but before I go, I want to say that I'm so unlucky. Yesterday was editing this half-way, and the internet goes faulty, in the end I have to edit this today. Thank God for helping me in fixing my com, and 1 more maybe to share as testimonial on Saturday's last W116 and E448 cell group meeting! Sob sob...I should be happy, because the cellgroup is multiplying! Praise the Lord!!
Man, should have took a picture with Angelo on Sunday... The longest I've ever posted...:P
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