About Me

- Peng Ru
- Hmmm, play computer games(that's for sure), play hand-held games(that's also for sure), play piano, sing(although not as well as the rest),soccer, basketball(although this 2 sports I'm not very good at it), likes to know new frens, but shy in the first place. W143. SP DIT Yr 1.
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Monday, May 28, 2007
Internet Conky
I feel like taking my modem and throw it on the floor and take a hammer and hammer it...
Late before multiplying... :(
I was supposed wake up at 8 and leave before 9 and meet up with Yong Jing. When I woke up, my grandmother was feeling dizzy and nauseous again. Man, I have to stay at home, I can't go out at all, because my father is going out also. Man, I cannot go for CGM, die... I'm going to miss the last gathering...Man...
I asked Elaine what to do, she told me to try to come if possible, if not see what can be done, if really cannot come it's ok. Then I started praying and praying and praying. Our God is a loving God, he answered my prayers whenever I needed him, I was finally able to go out! I quickly rush to Serene's house. Wow, they've eaten, luckily while I was waiting for the bus, I bought a currypuff to sustain for awhile. I showed them the video I made specially for the cellgroup. Finally was able to show them my final product, but Elaine and Shifu went out for their company function, so have to wait till Emerge before showing them. They guys are watching UEFA Champione League Final Encore, I reached there and have the chance to see all he 3 goals being scored. AC Milan wins Liverpool, 2-1. We then went to Expo, but while we were waiting for the 'usual' bus to go to Expo, Serene spotted there's a bus specially for CHC to go to Expo, we quickly ran to the other side of the road. Wow! This is the first time we are boarding the CHC specially chartered bus! When we reached Expo, Alan went to the book fair, Jian Kun went for bible study. The rest went to 7-Eleven to buy stuffs. I bought a sandwich to fill my stomach, haha! Then we to foyer 3, chat for awhile then we went to queue up. We went in quite early that time, it's only about 4:05 or 4:10 and we were inside sitting. The Sermon On The Mount that day was great! and so was the service! I learnt about not to retaliate in anytime whenever prosecutions occurs to you, I hope all christians would bear that in mind.
After service, I went to look for my mum to go to food fair. In the food fair, she talked alot of bad things about the church and being christians. When we about to go home, we waited outside for her friend, she speaked badly about christians and the church again. I know why she's so like that, because she's already been surrounded by her religion. I mean, you can't expect everybody to be exactly same like you, even your children, right. Religion, it's the freedom of one people, if you choose to follow blindly with your parents when you are young, there's nothing to say because we are still young, and we don't know how to really make a choice. But, when, we are over 15, we have the rights to choose our own things, especially our own religion. I don't understand why parents don't wanna give their children this freedom. Even if they were of other religion, they are still your kids, right? It's not as if that when they change their religion, their names and faces and parents change. The only thing different is that maybe you'll have one less person to accompany you to do your own religious stuffs. If that's the case, why do you have to give them freedom? Without religion choosing freedom, it's the same as doing a multiple choice without a choice. Sounds ridiculous? I think so too. But think again, doesn't my words make sense? Lol
The above paragraph is not aiming religion, this was only aiming for narrow-minded parents, please give them the rights to choose their own religion...
Monday, May 21, 2007
Painting, and being Merciful, sending Angelo off...
On Saturday, W116 and E448 went to the Singapore Autism School to help them paint and colour up the school, it was so much fun! Haha! Now, just view the pics below, as a picture speaks a thousand words...

Heehee, Vic, Ruth, Joel and me painting the bricked wall white...white-washers...
Kenneth painting 'ninja tortoise'...lol
Sherrill and Chun Ping painting the space...
Xiu Wen, Alan, 'Shi Fu', Chan, Serene and her friend...Elaine taking pic
Alan the artist editing the dolphin...lol
No offence, but does this look like prehistoric oysters and clams? haha
After that, we immediately went to eat at KFC and rush to Singapore Expo for the service. Most of them are wearing T-shirt and shorts to Expo, but of course they went to change. That day's Sermon on the Mount was about mercy, about God's mercy towards us. How he has forgiven of all our sins, three words: forgive and forget. That's how God forgive our sins. This Sermon on the Mount was really useful, it helps us to know how much we know about God, how much are we a believer, furthermore, what Jesus preached a few thousand years ago can be used in our lives now. I like the new song for the Emerge Conference sang on Saturday!
Yesterday, Cerenna and I met up to see Angelo off. This was the gift the whole class compiled.
This was a big photo frame which consists of the whole class photo taken at various times!
But, he was leaving, and guess what did Angelo did, he brought us gifts?!
Man, he brought us Ferrero Rocher!! Man, this box I think at least cost about 10 over dollars! Somemore, it was 2 boxes!! After we spent sometime talking and after that I prayed for Angelo, but my prayer seems to startled and stucked almost everytime. Nevermind.
Then we went to Mac and ate lunch. I told him not to buy for us, and he still bought it. Oh man, gotta return him the money somehow. I tried to contact classmates from 3C and 4C, in the end, only Chuen Wee came, so thanks for coming dude! We spent some time remembering the old times, soon after, Angelo had to go. We accompanied him to the taxi stand. He still wouldn't accept the money, so I thought of a way to give him the money. When it was his turn to board the taxi, I helped him open the door, I bid farewell to him, and I stuffed the money to him and quickly closed the door, so that he would not return me. Cerenna was crying when he was leaving. But, we have no choice, we have to experience parting in our lives. At least Angelo still can keep in contact with us through MSN, haha.
Then, Chuen Wee and I went to Lan, then we called BP and Raymond to play also. We then play 2-2. BP and I teamed first, he used Rhasta and I used Dragon Knight. Wow, our combination was good! Haha. He ensnared the target, I then quickly stun the target when the ensnare goes off, then I keep on attacking, if possible, I used my ulti, which was the elder dragon form, the frost dragon, which can slow target movement speed. We won that round of course, Ray was using tiny and CW used beastmaster. Then we re-shuffle the player, CW and I, Ray and BP. CW used Zeus, I used Riki. BP used butcher and ray used juggernaut. CW and I won. HAHA. I backstab anad deal alot of damage, den CW thunder them, or CW use ulti on them, I gave them surprise attack. HAHA, had lots of fun there.
Ok gotta go, but before I go, I want to say that I'm so unlucky. Yesterday was editing this half-way, and the internet goes faulty, in the end I have to edit this today. Thank God for helping me in fixing my com, and 1 more maybe to share as testimonial on Saturday's last W116 and E448 cell group meeting! Sob sob...I should be happy, because the cellgroup is multiplying! Praise the Lord!!
Man, should have took a picture with Angelo on Sunday... The longest I've ever posted...:P
Friday, May 18, 2007
Study with new friend, forgetful me.
Man, yesterday was raining cats and dogs, my legs and socks and shoes are wet man. Unlucky, rain at such a time. Then when I reached, she has not reached yet, because she's coming down from Changi. Haha, so just have to wait. When she arrived, we then walked to Mac at Bukit Panjang Plaza.
Man, it was so noisy there, as there were alot of students down there. Boring... We started doing maths, of course I teached her, haha. Then we just talk and talk about our own stuffs and we forgot to do our work. In the end, haha, we never even finish a page of questions, and I only managed to finish one and a half page of physics MCQ. Imagine this, from 330 until 650, and that was the work that we done. Haha. After that I accompanied her to buy some of her stuffs, then we went home by LRT.
Today, I had PE, I brought sports shoes to school to change, but in the end, I forgot to bring my school shoes back! And I can only go back and take during next monday! God bless me that I'll be able to go back and take my shoes successfully.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Ok, now, Just got back for all of my papers. Man, looks like I had not worked hard enough. My combined humanities and my combined science just managed to pass by 2 marks, whereas my maths, managed to get A1! Yeah! Haha, well, getting A1 now is not much of a use, but I am supposed to get the A1 during my O levels.
Today Mr Chong promised the whole class, whoever gets 5 distinctions get 200 bucks from him! Haha, whereas for me, 4. But, thinking of that, isn't English hard to get distinction for me? Well, I believed with God's strength, nothing is impossible for me. Haha.
Man, today's my mum's birthday. Mum, Happy Birthday!
The emerge conference in CHC is going to start soon, looking forward to it... :P
It's been for like 2 to 3 weeks since I played any soccer. Man, it's like I'm deproving, my skills are wading... Man...
Oh Father, please help us through during our times where we have to make difficult decisions.

This is the picture W116 and E448 and E143 took during Family Day when we are in Expo supporting Sun.
Heehee, gotta go...
Monday, May 14, 2007
Oh Man!!!
Why hasn't anyone repair and fix this stupid problem??? Man, I'm feeling very angry about this stupid thing.
My new post page is still the same problem, and I still cannot link other people.
Fine, enough, let's talk about what happened last Saturday. Last week CGM was about prayers and worshipping. We shared quite a number of testimonies, all was summarised! Haha!
After that, we went to Kenneth's Water Baptism. Wow, this was the first time I went to a water baptism ceremony!
This are some of the pics I took from Ruth's blog.
Then we went to service. I saw Pastor Kong touched the leaders on their heads and started to fall back. I asked Elaine why, she told me that it's because God's glory has weight. So when Pastor Kong touches their heads, they will tend to fall back, so as to receive God's glory. After that, not many people going to eat dinner, so Shamus, Yong Jing, Joel and me went home. Sian ah...
Yesterday, I encountered a problem. My mum wants me to go into the temple and hold the joss sticks! I quickly asked Elaine what to do, she told me the best is don't hold and don't go in, as go in and holding means worshipping, and we shall worship none other than Lord Jesus. I told her I'm afraid that I might anger my mum and eventually she might not allow me to go to church anymore. So she told me to pray in my heart, tell God that this is not what I wanted to do, this is not done according to my own will. I did the same thing, and I asked for God's forgiveness. Luckily, nothing much happened. Thank God!
Well, I still hoped that this blog will repair and fix all the problems of all bloggers quickly. And I hope that I can also get better results in the rest of the papers in the coming days. God bless!!
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
I prayed yesterday night that the modem be fixed in anyway, and the anyway was, my father went to replace a new one!! Praise the Lord!
Now is the blogger thing, at the same time I was writing this, this new post page is like weird, and I can't even link my other friends which I have not linked in the template page! Man, so unlucky.
But, at least, my prayers for my Mid Year exams was answered by God! Tomorrow is the last paper, and I'm going to pray for my exams for the one last time.
Chan just called me and said that my prayers for him worked, as he had went into the quarter-finals, and bring glory to W116!!
God, please bless this website to resume to what it was, and I pray again for Chan to advance into the finals and win the prize and bring glory! And I hope that You would help me in my chemistry paper tomorrow. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Alvin had me fooled...
Today, I went to Angelo's brother's funeral. Today was the last day of the funeral. Been long time since I once saw Angelo again. Cerenna, Alvin and I went to pay respects to his brother, and to comfort and send our condolences to him. The three of us almost cried when his family were all crowding around the coffin. After they left, we went home. Angelo was crying badly.
God bless Angelo's brother, and I believe he's somewhere in heaven with You right now.
John 14:6 -- Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
This is the verse from the new testament that I had saw at the funeral. Now something really puzzles me. What's the difference between a Catholic and a Christian? I remember someone told me before, but I still don't really get it.
Hope God can help me to go to this Saturday's service smoothly. I will pray sincerely, although, it's the exam period, I'll make sure I attend it, because this Sat, Pastor Kong will be starting the Sermon on the Mount!! So excited!!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Family Day Carnival
When we reached Expo, we saw Yong Jing up at the front, then we met up with Elaine, Serene, Chun Ping and shi fu, haha. When we are about to leave, Alan, Xiu Wen, Jian Kun and Sherrill. We then went in to Hall 8 after awhile. Wow, we're the first few groups that arrived, and we have the priority to sit in the first few rows!
At first we sang about 2 worship songs, Pastor Kong says he's rewarding 800 CGL and Ministry leaders a new phone! Nokia 5200 and Sony Ericsson W200i.

The Nokia 5200
The Sony Ericsson W200i
Then there's a hip hop dance by the Dance Ministry. After that, Sun came out and sing!! Yeah!! There's one special appearance by Niu Nai, the whole place was so high! Sun also lead the whole place to sing a worship song. That song was nice. When she left, everybody was so unwilling to let her go.
Then we went to the carnival. My God, the carnival cannot be compared to the concert. The queue was so long. For food or for games, all can wait for at least half an hour. Then when it was about 10pm, I went home with Peifen and her friends by taxi. Whew, I reached home before 11. Haha, luckily my father did not say anything. Thank God!!
Chan had just missed out all the fun. He's still sick now. But I'll be praying for him, and my brother, who's also sick. God bless them.
UM-Group 16

!!Linking Out!!
- Abigail(Abby)
- Agnes
- Benjamin Aw
- Benjamin Chan aka Oliver Chan
- Chun Li
- CK Zone
- Clara
- Dayana
- Dev
- Diana
- Elaine
- Gavin
- Genevieve
- Huiling(Banana)
- Ivory
- James
- Jasmine Loo
- Jason Chong
- Jason Jiang
- Jason Ng
- Jian Kun
- Jie Yun
- Joel Ee
- Joshua Ong
- Joshua Tham
- Kathryn Diane(Kat)
- KennY'eo(Kenny's)
- Mabelngiangology
- Meiqi
- Nicholas
- Patrick
- Pei Fen
- Rachel(Rachelle/Zhou Tai)
- Serene Pok(Pok Pok)
- Shella(lala)
- Shi Ting(KST)
- Sijia(Alanna)
- Siyuan
- Stanley
- Torrance
- UM-Group 16
- Victoria(Vic)
- Vivian
- W143
- Wei Kiat
- Wei Liang
- Wen Shun(Jasper)
- XinYi
- Xiu Wen(my cgl!! =D)
- Yong Hui
- Yong Jing
- Yosephina
- Zacson
I'm praying for...
- Pray and read bible more!!
- To rise up in cg/usher!!
- Good GPA score this sememster. 3.2!
- Have advance guitar lessons!!
- To learn singing!!
- Maybe get attached? LOL
- Learn piano/keyboard!!
- To learn drums!!
- A new laptop...