Monday, March 12, 2007

WHY? Why Is It Like That?

Oh great oh great oh great. Holidays are here, well, so? Some of you out there are certainly happy, but not me. Why? because after this I'm going back to school!

Why is it like this? Why is there some people out there makes us wake up so early in the morning just for the sake of reaching school before 7:30 am? Why do they make us carry so many books to and fro school? Why do they want to make everyone a bookworm? Is studying the only to survive in this cruel society? Isn't there an exception or something? Why does people only look at certificates and diplomas and degrees and whatever it is? Why is it like this? why? Why? WHy? WHY? I don't understand god, why is it always have to be like this? Why are we like a puppet being manipulated? We wake up in the morning, wash up, breakfast, go to school, study, come home, bathe, eat dinner, study again. WOW, WHAT A LIFESTYLE IT IS.

Man, for 10 years and I'm just sick of this kind of stupid lifestyle, if life in the school would be a little relaxed like other countries, and the timing would allow us to have one or one and a half more hours to sleep, we wouldn't be going to schools with eyelids half open, dozing off in teachers' speeches, and of course, scratching heads in examinations.

Some people said students are better than working. Yes I agree with that, but only with the timings of the schooling changes, and the number of tests would be reduced. I've always thought about this question, 'Is examinations really the only way to prove someone's ability?' Think about it, you might come out with an answer of your own.

This is what I've always asked myself, 'Life is stress, study study study, exams exams exams, are our lives really filled with this?' Maybe you can answer it now, but not me for sure, maybe I can answer it in a few years time, or maybe for my whole life I will never seek out the answer. Have you?