About Me

- Peng Ru
- Hmmm, play computer games(that's for sure), play hand-held games(that's also for sure), play piano, sing(although not as well as the rest),soccer, basketball(although this 2 sports I'm not very good at it), likes to know new frens, but shy in the first place. W143. SP DIT Yr 1.
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Saturday, June 30, 2007
The most amazing thing was after I gave offering. I heard quite a few people sharing about some things. I just decided to give, whatever I have to God, no matter how much money I left in my wallet, because I had used up my $2 I'm supposed to give, on the taxi I shared with Ben when we came here. I had promised to give the $2, but since I had used up, I just thought I'll give it next week. But I just had the feeling to give whatever I have left in my wallet. I 'dug' out $1 from my wallet. Haha, I didn't really expect any return from God, because I promised to give it, no matter how much I left.
Everybody left, only left Xiu Wen, Gary, JJ and me. At first I was about to leave, but Xiu Wen said no one is waiting for JJ, so I just waited for him. Later, I found out that I'm blessed by JJ, because he said he'll be taking taxi home. Yeah, hallelujah, thank you JJ!
But something bad happened when we were waiting for taxi. He saw 2 empty taxis at the opposite of the road. He tried to run to the other side of the road, and he fell to the tar ground. Ouch. Man, I was shocked at that point of time, and I immediately went to help him up. My God, when we reached to the other side of the road, he was bleeding. Ouch! I just helped him with whatever I have in my bag at that point of time. This morning I chatted with him, asked him did he felt better. Man, he had swollen waist also. My God, it's like so serious, I felt a little guilty conscience, because I was the one that told him the two empty taxis. So sorry man!
The other person I want to apologise about is Ben, sorry I made u waited for half an hour for nothing. I really didn't mean to, because I thought you were at the bus stop I'll be at, but I didn't see you, and I thought you have left, just as before I told you on the phone. Well, never mind. Stop finding excuses for myself. My fault, ok. I'm sorry.
Saw a Lamborghini Gallardo on the road yesterday, is it common? Or it's rare?
Friday, June 29, 2007
Great Is Our God
Guys, where can u find such a better friend like Jesus Christ? He is our friend, a friend that knows us inside out, a friend that loves us no matter how many sins we committed, a friend that is willing to die on the cross for our sins. Isn't our God great? Isn't Jesus great? Amen.
I'm getting addicted to this song call 'I want to sing until I'm lost in your love' Does anyone has this song? Can send me?
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
I got a new testimony to the cg this friday, for God's healing on my sprained ankle. It just took less than 4 days. Haha, really gotta share this to the rest.
Time is getting short, I really gotta buck up on my science, if not, I'm equal to doomed. But I know, God will make us the head, and not the tail, above and not beneath, as long as I walk along with him, I believe I can do well in Jesus name. Amen.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Back to sch...
I really gotta buck in my studies, because it's like 10 weeks to go before my prelims. Looks like I need to find people to study with me, maybe looking for my school friends, maybe Shamus and May? I don't know, I don't even know whether they had the time to come out and study after school.
Really gotta buck up, but I believe, I will do well this time round. Why? Because God will be helping me, He'll give me the strength when I feel weak. He is the source of everything. As the song 'Awaken My Soul' goes 'I can do all things through You, I can do all things through You, who strengthens me.'
Dear Father, I will like to pray for Pastor Kong, that You will give him strength whenever he feels tired. He's been busy flying around and at the same time preparing sermons. I want to pray for the 3 cell groups, W116, W143 and E448. That You will help us to multiply at the end of this year, not in one or two, but let it be in tens. O Lord, I will also like to pray for all the students in the cell groups, that You will help all the students to be able to do well in their upcoming examinations, be it their common tests, their prelims or their national major exams, the N levels, O levels and the A levels. O Lord, I pray that You will help us to concentrate in our studies, let us be more hardworking with Your help O Lord, help us to become the living testimony in our classes, campuses. I believe that You will make us the head, and not the tail, above and not beneath. Father, I will also like to pray for all the working adults in the cell groups, that You will help them to be able to make an impact in their working workplace, they will be able to impact the marketplace and the decision-makers for You. Give them the strength to do that. And Father, I will also pray for Ben, that You will use him to make an impact in the lives of his relatives in China, use him to spread Your gospel, Your word, and Your Love to them. And Father, also help himin his financial so that he is able to buy the 100 over bibles. Father, I will also like to pray for Elaine's nephew, Samuel, that You will bless him everyday when he grows. As I know that he will live his day happily under Your care and Love. Father I will also like to pray for myself, that You will help me speak in tongues, as I really desire to speak in tongue! And I will like to pray for the healing of my left ankle, in Jesus name, my sprained ankle will be healed. I will also like to pray for my two brothers, Yao King, Father I'd like to lift him into Your loving hands, love him, like the way You love us all from the beginning. O Lord, I know You do love him. And Lord, I will like to pray for my youngest brother, Peng Zong. I will like to pray for healing, in Jesus name, his scalded hand will be healed. And Father, please help him to be able to do well in his studies and become a more obedient boy. O Lord, I will also like to pray for my mother, that You will help her financially, and I will like to pray, that in Jesus name, her left ankle will be healed also. And Father, I will also like to pray that, You will help her to open up her heart, so that in the days to come, she will be able to accept Christ, just like I have decided to. I love You Lord, and I thank You for giving me such wonderful friends, and also such understanding mother, even though she was injured, she still allows me to stay for the chalet instead of taking care of her. Hallelujah! In Jesus mighty name I lift this prayer to You, Amen.
Ok, gotta go. Still gotta go pack some school stuffs. Blog again...
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Ahh...Fun, but tired
Look carefully...A smiley face?
Later, I went out to help out in the bbq-ing, together with Jarrett, JJ, Jason Chong, May, and Agnes. Wah, whole body reeks of bbq flavour. 'BBQ flavour penguin anyone?' :P
This is our masterpiece. :P
Around 11 plus, those not staying went back, but Yong Jing and Shamus and Guan Yi, who did not plan to stay, stayed together with us.
Midnight, Ben and I went out, we went to sing song at the beach. Haha. Then came back. I bathe. Around 2 something(actually forgetten the actual timing, don't even know whether is it 2 plus), Elaine, Xiu Wen, Hui Tong, Gary, Louie and I went to Mac. Then Guan Yi just followed us. But he just doesn't want to join us. I tried my best, telling everything I learnt, but I just hoped that at the end of the day, he can just get what I'm trying to say and open up his heart and start to talk to people. Around 5 plus, Chong, Tong, me and 2 Serene's friend sit at the chalet and talk. Can't get into sleep, so just talk whatever crap that comes into out minds. We then slept at 7.
Some of them went to service, Shamus and Yong Jing went home. Chong, Ben, Tong, Louis, Kun and me were left there. We went up to sleep again, then around 10 plus we went down to pack things and we left. Most of us slept on the bus 401, which was going to Bedok interchange. Then on the train, no space, so just stand and talk.
Arrgh, so tired la, somemore tomorrow going back to school. It's SIAN SIAN SIAN!!!
Ok, I'll blog nxt time... :)
Friday, June 22, 2007
Wow! Wow! Wow!
You all must be wondering what did he actually answered about, it's actually my unlocking of my computer.
It seems that God has used Rayson to teach me the way of removing the computer password. And guys, who's interested...can ask me, I might consider... :P
Ok, really gotta share this as a testimony tomorrow, cos I think this is so so so Great!!!
Thank God for everything! Hallelujah! I love You God!!
(Really feel like living in the chalet for good, why? Cos I just want to escape from my house from my father and my grandmother... :P)
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Last post...
So Sorry!
Ok, just summarise about the Emerge Conference that happened about 3 weeks ago. Ok, first day was like WOW! Maybe it's because I've never been to this before. It was like so much fun, Chan and his team won the championship of the 5 on 5 Street Soccer Tournament. Then, Sun made a surprise comeback to Singapore. I didn't went for the second day, 'cos I had something on that day. I went on Sat, which was the third day, wow. Guess what? I felt something when the whole church sang 'I want to sing until I am lost in Your love'. We knelt down on the floor, I immediately felt something, you don't have to guess. It's the love of God, I cried the moment I started to kneel down. Wow, I felt so great man! On the last day, which was the Sunday, I brought Kenneth Lur, a friend which I had known at the Pending street soccer court. Haha, that day was a drama, 'PVC rocks', after that, Pastor Kong asked who wants to be saved, or who had backslided form God can go to the front, after Xiu Wen talked with Kenneth, he went up, and I went up with him too, and he's saved again,yeah! All new friends had free Ben and Jerry's ice-cream, including me! Then during lunch time, Kenneth, me, Chan, Joel, and Yong Jing went to play soccer. Haha, although had quite lots of fun, but heard that Elaine was angry...oops! Sorry Elaine!! We had a wonderful ending, and when we were singing a worship song in chinese, I felt the love of God again and my tears just dropped. Wow! God's love indeed is amazing! When the whole Conference ended, the whole big group took a photo.
Isn't this nice? I'm being hid in the dark on the floor.
But donno why Serene's pic and Xiu Wen's pic is much more clearer than mine...hmmm
Then most of us helped to keep the chairs. Wow, ushers were so hardworking, they had to keep the chairs after every service. Nice. Then Lur and I went to toilet, and we saw Faye, from F.I.R, man, almost had a chance to take photo with her, but she doesn't want to take photos, never mind, then we saw Sun, I also almost had a chance to take photo with her, but she needs to go off. Sad :( That's the end of the whole Emerge Conference. Can't wait for next year. :)
Then the week after the Conference, the CGM was great, cos it was the yummy bash! And Kenneth is joining us for the first time for CGM! We had lot's of fun, shared good testimonies. We even had lame jokes along the way when the big group of us went home.
Last week's CGM was wonderful, May's coming back to join us, although I still don't really know her, and the group is playing the 'Angel and Mortal' game! Everyone's an Angel and the mortal. No one knows their angels. Luckily, I did my job as an Angel, and mine too, haha. Speaking of this, I just realised the chocolate my angel given me, I had not eaten it, gonna eat it soon. Chocolate... :P
Last week's sermon was really a wonderful and meaningful one. Gonna pray for this week's service would be an even better and more meaningful one. And of course, chalet!! I also don't know how Serene knew it, but there's a bigger surprise...so far only 6 people, including me knows. Heehee...
Dear Father, I would like to pray for the church, that You would help us to make an impact in our families' lives, our relatives' lives, and our friends' lives. Help us to make an impact in their lives, to show them Your Love for us, O Lord. Father, I would also like to pray for Pastor Kong, that You would give him the strength when he feels weak, as he is very busy and tired flying all around and preparing the Sermon for Your Word, O Lord. Father, I would also like to pray for the cellgroups, W116, W143 and E448, that You would help all the students in the cellgroups, no matter what subject or topic or courses they are taking, help them to be able to do well in their examinations, be it major or minor, help them O Lord, to be able to score well and become a living testimony and to glorify Your name, and I believe O Lord, that You will make us the head, and not the tail, above and not beneath. And Father, help us to be able to impact lives in our campuses, that we will be able to live our lives in school with Your word. O Lord, I would also like to pray for all the working adults in the cellgroups, give them the strength, O Lord, as I know that working is tough. And Father, also help them to be able to make an impact in their marketplace, help them to impact the decision-makers in their workplace, so that their colleagues will be able to get to know You more through them. O Lord, I would also like to pray for this Saturday's CGM and service. That it would be a wonderful and meaningful one, and we would be able to feel Your presence in the CGM. And this Saturday's chalet, that it would be a wonderful one and successful one. I would also like to pray for my first bs with Elaine this Saturday would be a great one, as I am going to grow in You, and learn more about Your words, and I'm going to be more spiritually mature. I'd also like to pray for Chan (Benjamin), that You would open up his mum's heart, let her not reproach about him coming back so late from church activities and services. Help him to stand strong no matter what his mum says, whenever he faces persecution, and I would also like to pray for him that You will be able to use him in Your plan, to rescue his relatives in China, that he would be able to preach Your word, spread Your love to them, and made them known to You. And O Lord, help him to save up the money to buy the 100 over chinese bibles. Lord, I would like to pray for myself, that I'll be able to speak in tongue in my next quiet time with You, or my next CGM, or next service. I really desire to speak to You through tongue. And Lord, I would like to pray that You would use me in my campus, to let me become a living testimony to my friends, so that as the time comes, they will want to know You more. Lord. I would like to pray for my brothers, my first brother, Yao King, although he is a handicapped, but I know that Jesus loves him, just as the way that You loved me from the beginning, and this will never change. So right now, I would like to lift him into Your loving hands, love him O Lord. And I would also like to pray for my youngest brother, Peng Zong, that You would help him in his school work, and be a more obedient child. And Father, I would like to pray for my mum, that You will help her to overcome her financial difficulties, and O Lord, help me to open up her heart, so that in the days to come, she will start to believe that You are the one true God, and Jesus is her Saviour. And Lord, please make my father to remove the password on this computer, as I really need to use the computer, be it communicating or doing work, please help me O Lord. I Love You O Lord, and I thank You for giving me all these, this cellgroup, this bunch of new friends, Ben for bringing me back on track again, an understanding mother and many other things that You have given me. I thank You O Lord. In Jesus name I lift this prayer to You, Amen.
Ok, gotta remember to share the testimony of what happened last Sat...
Ok Guys, I'm leaving here, if you want to see me blog again, would be quite sometime... Sad :(
UM-Group 16

!!Linking Out!!
- Abigail(Abby)
- Agnes
- Benjamin Aw
- Benjamin Chan aka Oliver Chan
- Chun Li
- CK Zone
- Clara
- Dayana
- Dev
- Diana
- Elaine
- Gavin
- Genevieve
- Huiling(Banana)
- Ivory
- James
- Jasmine Loo
- Jason Chong
- Jason Jiang
- Jason Ng
- Jian Kun
- Jie Yun
- Joel Ee
- Joshua Ong
- Joshua Tham
- Kathryn Diane(Kat)
- KennY'eo(Kenny's)
- Mabelngiangology
- Meiqi
- Nicholas
- Patrick
- Pei Fen
- Rachel(Rachelle/Zhou Tai)
- Serene Pok(Pok Pok)
- Shella(lala)
- Shi Ting(KST)
- Sijia(Alanna)
- Siyuan
- Stanley
- Torrance
- UM-Group 16
- Victoria(Vic)
- Vivian
- W143
- Wei Kiat
- Wei Liang
- Wen Shun(Jasper)
- XinYi
- Xiu Wen(my cgl!! =D)
- Yong Hui
- Yong Jing
- Yosephina
- Zacson
I'm praying for...
- Pray and read bible more!!
- To rise up in cg/usher!!
- Good GPA score this sememster. 3.2!
- Have advance guitar lessons!!
- To learn singing!!
- Maybe get attached? LOL
- Learn piano/keyboard!!
- To learn drums!!
- A new laptop...