Served as usher for 3 days, and indeed, I learnt a lot!!! Haha. Especially during the times where we were guarding the barricades to flow the people in batch by batch, and also being a runner for the first time for Jason Ng!!! Haha. We also had fun while giving out water, and fellowshipping around the hall and stuff. Not forgetting the 2 bros that have accompanied me throughout the whole serving journey! Benjamin Chan and Ren Shen!! Haha, thanks guys!!
I still can't believe it that the 5 days ended so fast. It's just like an blink of an eye, from the registration, to the lunch, to the electives, the night sessions, the morning sessions, the drama, the finale. Everything, just 'Boom', and it's all gone. But, I believe that many foreign delegates and local delegates went back with a big bang in their lives too, because all the messages were just so life changing!!!
Can you imagine, Pastor Phil, Dr. A.R. Bernard, Pastor Ulf Ekman, Pastor Benny Hinn, and our beloved Pastor, Pastor Kong!!!! All in one conference, this is the biggest christian conference ever to be held in Asia. Now it's over! Well, it's sad, but fun!! Woohoo..
Managed to take photos some photos.

Anyway, to include, there's performances from renowned P&W band, and celebrities. Performances from Christian City Church Band from Australia, Don Moen from USA, Carola from Sweden, Sidney Mohede and True Worshippers from Indonesia, Liu Geng Hong from Taiwan, JJ Lin and Jack Neo from Singapore, and of course, our very own CHC band!!!
Anyway, it's tiring though, reaching home at around 12 plus to 1, still got to juggle between school and have to rush down after that, and during sunday have to report super early. Kudos to those who served all 5 days and those drenching themselves during the rainy days.
Hmm, to comment, Heart Of God ushers, they deserve praises also. Especially during the last night, Ren Shen and I saw something which really think they are really good. This conference is organized by our church, Hall 8 belongs to us, instead of all the CHC ushers helping to clear up(other than those who are really in need of going home early), we saw the HOG ushers actually helping out...I'm like OMG...
Hmm..hope I didn't missed out anything...Anyway, really had fun serving with Group 16 ushers. Haha, especially Gerald, Ren Shen, Benjamin Chan, Gregory, Jason Ng, Ivory, Huiling, Abigail, Joshua Ong, Joshua Tham, Jasmine, the other Benjamin(but I don't know his surname...), I don't know a boy's name, I think he's 12 years old...haha...If I missed out anyone...please don't blame me...I can't remember so many at once!!
It was such great fun, despite of dealing with all the "weird" congregations and their "emotions", it's because of these incidents, that made us ushers have greater capacity, and bond even stronger!! Haha... Helping each other to solve problems that we faced and also sudden situations, also standing up for them when they can't solve the problem alone. Anyway, it's just great fun to be in usher!! Haha. Although I can't be with the cg in more days, but fellowshipping with the ushers and really bonding with them is really worth it!! Haha..
I'll blog again soon...LOL