Just suddenly felt like blogging after quite some time... haha..
Well, just want to do a recap of 2009 before it ends.
This year has been ups and downs for me... (-.- whose isn't...) LOL
Anyway, just really wanna thank God for where He has brought me to today, be it in cg, my guitar, the people I get to know this year, people that I've already known I get to know them better this year, my ministry, etc... lots to name.
Speaking about ministry, kind of had some stuffs in mind after I 'graduated' from, but along the way I sidetracked, so lost focus. After hearing what Yong Hui shared just now, was kind of reminded once again... So I'll just start planning, in 2010, I gotta at least learn from him and other leaders as much as I can, do as much as I can before I start my 2 year 'jail'... haha
Wasted too much time this year, not a very fruitful one, need to do even better in 2010. :)
Had fun times with different groups of people this year, different kinds of playing styles, different kinds of memories. :) Love it. :)
Just wanna thank everyone around me, the leaders that had been sowing into my life, people that are always there when I needed them, and I really hope that there's at least one thing that I've impacted someone or somebody in their lives this year. :)
Hoping for a better new year ahead, looking forward to countdown!!! :D:D
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! :)
About Me

- Peng Ru
- Hmmm, play computer games(that's for sure), play hand-held games(that's also for sure), play piano, sing(although not as well as the rest),soccer, basketball(although this 2 sports I'm not very good at it), likes to know new frens, but shy in the first place. W143. SP DIT Yr 1.
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Sunday, December 27, 2009
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UM-Group 16

!!Linking Out!!
- Abigail(Abby)
- Agnes
- Benjamin Aw
- Benjamin Chan aka Oliver Chan
- Chun Li
- CK Zone
- Clara
- Dayana
- Dev
- Diana
- Elaine
- Gavin
- Genevieve
- Huiling(Banana)
- Ivory
- James
- Jasmine Loo
- Jason Chong
- Jason Jiang
- Jason Ng
- Jian Kun
- Jie Yun
- Joel Ee
- Joshua Ong
- Joshua Tham
- Kathryn Diane(Kat)
- KennY'eo(Kenny's)
- Mabelngiangology
- Meiqi
- Nicholas
- Patrick
- Pei Fen
- Rachel(Rachelle/Zhou Tai)
- Serene Pok(Pok Pok)
- Shella(lala)
- Shi Ting(KST)
- Sijia(Alanna)
- Siyuan
- Stanley
- Torrance
- UM-Group 16
- Victoria(Vic)
- Vivian
- W143
- Wei Kiat
- Wei Liang
- Wen Shun(Jasper)
- XinYi
- Xiu Wen(my cgl!! =D)
- Yong Hui
- Yong Jing
- Yosephina
- Zacson
I'm praying for...
- Pray and read bible more!!
- To rise up in cg/usher!!
- Good GPA score this sememster. 3.2!
- Have advance guitar lessons!!
- To learn singing!!
- Maybe get attached? LOL
- Learn piano/keyboard!!
- To learn drums!!
- A new laptop...